We would also like to thank all the people who make our service to families possible on a day-to-day basis: donors, program presenters, prayer support network, volunteers, board, staff, and RL project team.
Likewise, we hope you are as encouraged (and thankful!) as we are when you read these comments below from moms, dads, and ministry leaders who gave us feedback about Family Honor programs, seminars, and courses over the past several months!
♥ “This program was designed beautifully and very appropriate for the age level. The presenters were fantastic
… energetic, informative, personable, and “real.”
♥ “It has been on my heart to start a mom’s prayer group within our parish and I know this [Family Honor]
information will help me in preparing and leading that.”
♥ “Definitely going to encourage my pastor to promote Family Honor events and encourage parents to attend. I
would like to become a Family Honor Presenter and bring this to others. I see it as a way to build the culture of life and holy marriages in the future …”
♥ “I see the [Family Honor] information as helpful tools to engage in discussions with people that have not been
exposed to the truth … or need reminders.”
♥ [After attending the Family Honor course] “I feel better equipped to tackle tough conversations with my
growing son and the middle school girls at the school I work at … I do hope to incorporate some of what I’ve
learned in speaking with other parents at Church …”
♥ “I have several daily and weekly meetings with committed Christians where this information will be shared.”
♥ “I hope that this program becomes a part of our faith community. I see this strengthening our formation for
families of all ages. We will definitely use this information with our children …”
♥ “We need to bring Family Honor back to present another seminar!”