Providing a Catholic Framework
on the truth and meaning of sexuality, love, and family
Let us know how we can help you!
Would you like to:
• Bring our unique parent-only or parent-child chastity programs to your parish or sign up for a webinar?
• Attend our retreat weekend: Understanding the Human Person?
• Book a Family Honor speaker for your conference?
• Order one of our books or CD ROMs? (Some available in Spanish)

Pastors, Youth & Family Life Ministry Leaders, and Directors of Religious Education:

Family Honor programs and training classes are here to serve your needs as you develop your plans for remote marriage preparation for pre-teens and teens in your diocese. Our emphasis on respecting the dignity of the human person, understanding Christian anthropology, attaining self-mastery, and living the virtue of chastity have helped countless teens and adults since our creation in 1988.
For program descriptions:
and for weekend training class info:

About Us
Family Honor is a non-profit organization that presents parent-teen and parent-only programs on chastity, family communication, and Theology of the Body. We also provide half-day seminars and weekend continuing education courses and develop resources for parents and ministry leaders.
Let us know how we can help you!
Would you like to:
• Bring our unique parent-only or parent-child chastity programs to your parish or sign up for a webinar?
• Attend our retreat weekend: Understanding the Human Person?
• Book a Family Honor speaker for your conference?
• Order one of our books or CD ROMs? (Some available in Spanish)

“I love Family Honor so much and have dedicated time to working with them because I truly believe that this message, the message of authentic love, is what is going to change our world … I also believe that spreading this message to other communities of different languages and cultures is going to be the world on fire with the truth.”
– Donna Kobisher
Is God Calling You
to Teach Chastity?
Family Honor needs men and women of all ages who are willing to joyfully evangelize on the virtue of chastity.
If you understand the importance of chastity and want to be a part of Family Honor’s mission to present family-centered chastity programs, we’d love to hear from you!
“…your light must shine before men so that they may see goodness in your acts and give praise to your heavenly Father.”
Matthew 5:16

Parents, we know you are looking for resources and encouragement as you guide your children and teens through the challenging waters of today’s crazy culture. You are not alone. Family Honor is here to help! We have a variety of in-person programs that give you and your son or daughter a unique opportunity to come together to hear about and talk about the theology of the body, good communication in families, how to handle peer pressure, and the BIG questions of life: “Who am I?” and “What is my life for?”
Bring Hope to Others
Faithful prayer, virtuous living, forming strong families, and proclaiming Christ’s truth about “Birds and Bees” (sex), love, and marriage are the key to any change you want to see for your community and for our nation. Your gift brings that truth – and hope – to others. Your gift helps us continue to serve parents and teens in 2022 via our family-centered chastity programs, Be Not Afraid seminars, Understanding the Human Person weekend courses, and our growing outreach to Hispanic families. Your gift can help make a difference in the choices young people make.
Please take 5 minutes now to donate. Thank you!