Family Honor’s most recent Understanding the Human Person weekend retreat class on December 6 and 7 was different – in some wonderful ways!
Held at Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Church in Greenville, SC, it was notable, first of all, for the number of young faces among the students. For perhaps the first time ever, most of those who attended the class were young adults / twenty-somethings. That was not only exciting to see, it gives us real hope for the future!
These young men and women stayed focused over two days of presentations and class discussion on very intense topics that covered many of our current moral issues and Catholic church teaching on those issues.
They made some helpful points and raised good questions as well.

Perhaps most importantly, when asked at the end of class how they would use the information presented, their responses were direct and hopeful:
“I can see myself using the information I have learned to be a role model for my younger brother. He is 9 years old and about to hit puberty and I think I can now more successfully guide him through any struggles he may encounter.”
“I would use the information I’ve learned to help me grow in virtue, in chastity, and in true charity, and in doing so, hopefully draw others in my church community to do the same.”
“I think this information is a good stepping off point for pro life work and any sort of education (like CCD, youth group, etc.) because being able to know oneself/others in context of body and soul is important to be able to approach people … I think for me a big question in my friend groups [is] about genuine femininity and modesty, so being able to explain these topics to friends will help them appreciate themselves as women and protect themselves from common cultural misunderstandings about womanhood.”
Our Catholic faith plays a huge part in Family Honor’s mission, and thus, as part of the retreat weekend, we were happy that our Family Honor group was also able to participate in Eucharistic Adoration on Friday night in the lower chapel at Our Lady of the Rosary and attend Holy Mass on Saturday morning in the church there. Prayers and grace make a difference in what we are able to do!
Our thanks to Father Longenecker, pastor of Our Lady of the Rosary, and the staff and volunteers who made this class possible. Likewise, our Course Instructors – Jenny McPherson, Kathy Schmugge, Vincent Weaver, and myself – are grateful to all the men and women who attended the class.
Have you or your family been helped by a Family Honor program, class, or conference over the years? If so, please consider donating to our Open the Door to the Future: Campaign for Families so other young people and families can be encouraged and educated in the truth of what our faith teaches about sexuality, love, virtue, and family.
A gift of any amount is welcome, whether $25 or $250 or more, to help us reach our goal of $250,000 by Dec. 31. You may want to consider joining our Honor Roll, by making your donation in honor of someone (a parent, priest, friend, teacher, etc.) who has made a difference in your life. Thanks for whatever you can do!
Sincerely in Christ,
Brenda Cerkez
Executive Director