Birds and Bees – Bring Families Together
Birds and Bees – Bring Family Together:
Our Changes & Challenges Program Helps You Talk with Your Pre-Teen About Sex, Puberty and More
It’s a common lament from parents: “I don’t know where to begin to bring up the subject of “Birds and Bees” with my kid. I made some mistakes when I was young, and I don’t want my child to make those same mistakes. But I don’t know what’s right to say for their age. Should I give them a book? Are they too young to hear about sex? And I’m not sure I even understand exactly what chastity means …”
This is where Family Honor comes in.
For the past 30+ years, we’ve been bringing parents and their sons and daughters together at parishes in a relaxed and fun atmosphere to talk about “Birds and Bees” (sex), chastity, love, dating and more.
We know that those first conversations can be the toughest. You know what we mean.
When you think puberty is going to arrive pretty soon – or perhaps already has …
That’s when Family Honor can really help do some of the ‘heavy lifting’ – through our Changes & Challenges program for you, parents, with your 5th or 6th grader. We present this ‘live’ and in-person at your parish or parish school.
Changes & Challenges is a two-session program, with only parents attending Session 1, so that our presenters can talk to you frankly about child development, the virtue of chastity, and some of the language to use when starting the ‘birds and bees’ conversations. Also, you’re given a preview of Session 2 so you know what to expect. In Session 2, you return with your 5th or 6th grade son or daughter. The dads and sons are in one room and the moms and daughters are in another.

Student participant at recent Changes & Challenges
program at St. Anne and St. Jude parish in Sumter, SC.
Topics covered in Session 2 include developing as a ‘whole’ person and understanding the changes that happen at puberty. For more info:
If you can’t get to one of our Changes & Challenges programs, you may also want to order the Spanish or English versions of our Wonder of Me book, available in the Family Honor store:
Whatever you decide, parents, just know that Family Honor is here to serve you. if you’d like some help with that initial ‘Birds and Bees’ talk, give us a call at 803.929.0858 or email us at our Contact Us form. We’d love to hear from you!
Here’s some additional resources for you and your child:
Growing Up in God’s Image: A New Approach to the Facts of Life Talk
Talking to Your Tween About Sex
Puberty Facts
Early Puberty